Who are your potential readers? And those who already read you? The SEO copywriter chooses the correct keywords to work on based on these questions. What are the most relevant keywords to position in the text? The obsolete or irrelevant ones to discard for the creation of an SEO copywriting job? And there's more! SEO copywriting and the Yoast SEO Traffic Light Many people write articles or texts on the web convinced that it is sufficient to turn the famous Yoast SEO traffic light green. Calm.First of all, let's clarify what the Yoast SEO traffic light is. It i
s a tool used by those who publish content on the web Albania WhatsApp Number through the WordPress platform. A plugin that supports SEO optimization of texts , indicating through traffic lights whether the text is valid from an SEO point of view. There are even those who believe that it is sufficient just to install this tool to magically ensure positioning. Wrong! Others chase green lights at all costs because they are certain that in this way Google will make their text appear at the top of searches. Extremely wrong! SEO-copywriter-analysis-traffic light-
Nicola-Onida-SEO-copywriter It is not so. The indications suggested by the Yoast SEO traffic light must be taken with a pinch of salt because they are generalizations which in some specific cases can cause counterproductive effects.get all the green lights of the Yoast SEO traffic light. Giorgio Taverniti, one of the most knowledgeable professionals in SEO , explains it in the video below What does it mean to do SEO copywriting Optimizing